"What's the matter, Ritsuka? Why are you crying?"
Welcome to
BLEED/your words as weapons, the only fanlisting for
Loveless' Agatsuma Soubi
approved by
The Anime Fanlistings. As a fan of the
Soubi has always been my main attraction - the enigma, the snark, and the poetic way he wields words
like a weapon in hand all draw me to him and make him one of the most complex and endearing characters in the entire
Soubi is constantly challenging perception and understanding, giving his full-hearted support while
witholding essential information. He is the constant struggle between self-worth and sacrifice, a model in character growth,
and watching people
grow by their circumstances, experiences, and relationships.
He is (and continues to be) severely underappreciated by a majority of fandom - a stance I will never fully understand,
as I find him to be th emost deserving of fan!love. This fanlisting is an attempt to rectify this by uniting all his fans
and was graciously approved in April 2010. The current version,
Lesson 01, features artwork by Kouga Yun and is optimized
Mozilla Firefox for
1024 x 768 resolutions with millions of colors.